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  Think India, and at once, a myriad of images comes to mind its Professional chemical producer of Liquid sulfur dioxide intricate history and cultural diversity; the pageantry of Bollywood; variety of spices; upbeat music; customer call centers and advanced information technology. All these dance their way to our collective memory. Now, add to these, the lively Bhangra dancing that is the trademark of Indian films has emerged as the newest fitness craze. The Bhangra aerobic dance has seeped into mainstream pop culture and has become the rage in recent years.

  Bhangra, actually, is a euphoric harvest dance from Punjab, India. It is ordinarily accompanied by energetic singing and drum beating. Originally, this dance is performed by farmers to celebrate an abundant harvest season. The dance movements imitate farming activities like sowing and reaping. In time, Bhangra has evolved and fused with other kinds of music and dance such as hip hop, disco, reggae and techno. Since then, Bhangra has been dominating the club scene internationally. Next, comes its advent into the fitness world via the Bhangra aerobic dance.

  The traditional Bhangra dance with its stomping feet, shoulder-shrugging, hand-clapping, swinging arms all the while bouncing dance steps has been modernized. Aerobic moves, hip hop and salsa have been incorporated to the dance accompanied by modern Bhangra music and throbbing drum beats. This is the much talked about Bhangra workout. It has enjoyed a surge in popularity because it is easy to do and fun at the same time. It has also provided a new dimension to the fitness industry because of its positive results.

  The Bhangra aerobic dance involves continuous, rhythmic body movements designed to raise heart rate, strengthen the lungs and work out all the major muscle groups in the body like the legs and buttocks. This workout is done to music with pulsating beat to set the tempo. When one does the Bhangra workout, the body muscles demand more oxygen-rich blood and give off more carbon dioxide and other wastes. This makes the heart beat faster to keep up. Overtime, with regular workout, the heart grows stronger and can meet the muscles' demands with little effort. The Bhangra workout also helps one avoid chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, and stroke. It also lowers blood pressure, builds strong bones and helps control weight. A 45-minute Bhangra aerobic dance burns 500 calories. How's that for motivation?

  In a nutshell, the physiological benefits derived from a Bhangra workout include improved overall cardiovascular functions, renewed physical stamina, increased lung power, enhanced muscle tone and flexibility, and weight loss. Psychologically, the Bhangra aerobic dance works like a stress and tension buster. It improves one's attitude and increase personal confidence. If group activities appeal to you, join the Bhangra workout. It fosters group camaraderie and builds new friendships.What makes the Bhangra workout ideal is that it is a mild aerobic exercise sans the boring part rigid rules and routines. It is a fun and pleasurable social affair. The workout takes place with an infectious and upbeat music and everyone is in a happy mood. It is like having the best of both worlds healthy and happy.

  Now that you're enthused, stand up and get moving do the Bhangra workout. Dance to your heart's delight!

  A word of caution: Get a medical check-up before embarking on the Bhangra workout or any fitness regimen, for that matter.

  You have heard enough about losing weight with various means like dieting,calorie restriction and diet supplements.

  But,I have a question for you.

  Do you have a bath every day?

  If you answered yesthen I have another question for you

  I know your answer is "to clean my body of all the external toxins and impurities".Right?

  Ok.Now tell me what do you do to clean your body internally?Better still, what about cleaning your own mind of negative toxins everyday?

  Have you ever thought about it?

  You may be thinking what have these questions got to do with burning fat.Let me explain

  You eat every day and you breath every moment.These life giving acts of yours produce toxins and waste products every moment you live on this planet.

  Breathing produces carbon dioxide and eating produces lots of noxious gases and sludge(waste matter).

  90% of these toxins are expelled through the breath 8% are Professional chemical producer of Liquid sulfur dioxide expelled through the excretory organs and 2%are expelled through the skin etc.

  But the reality is.most of the population uses only 30% of their lung capacity and the colons of most of them is clogged with wastage and toxins!

  This means that the toxins that are produced every moment of your exstence are getting piled up inside your own body because of lack of cleaning and internal house keeping of your body.

  In other wordsyou only clean your body from the outside ignoring the inside where all the wastage is stored.

  Your mind is another store house of all the negative emotions(mental toxins) that you experience in the course of everyday life.

  These toxins are the No.1 cause of fat deposit in your body.Toxins stored around cells make fat burning almost impossible.Without getting rid of these toxins all your efforts to lose weight by dieting will go waste.


  "Shifting to a healthier diet plan without getting rid of the toxins in the body is just like putting a freshly prepared cake in a bin full of garbage! The cake also becomes garbage in a short while".

  This is the reason why 98%people fail on a diet.

  So the only solution for burning fat effectively is by getting rid of toxins first from your body and mind.


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